Cosmic CEO Society [membership]

A recurring membership that grants you access to ALL my self-paced courses, masterclasses & digital products.

Topics include Human Design, Astrology, Entrepreneurship & Business Building, and Money Mindset.

For as long as you remain a member, you will have access to;

✦ Past & current courses (prices range from $222-$999)

✦ All masterclasses and their replays (prices range from $47-$333)

✦ All my digital products, including meditation audios, HD & Astrology flashcards, and workbooks (prices range from $7-$97)

✦ Plus, you get admission to an exclusive channel in my community just for Society members, where you can chat with other members and me, network, and share your own business offers.

✦ Q & A days in the community. Ask your questions anytime, and on certain days of the month I’ll go in and answer them all.

<<< Includes access to Magic Moon Society! >>>

Choose to pay monthly, quarterly or annually (← best deal!)

Cancel anytime (upon cancelling you’ll lose access to everything)

As a Founding Member, you will be grandfathered into the price you pay today, as long as you are an active member.

(1:1 coaching, Voxer, and readings are NOT included)

Modules for this product 4
Join $44/month

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