This is a subliminal meditation to listen to during the New Moon.
It improves,
- focus & clarity around new ideas and projects
- motivation (so you can get more accomplished!)
- confidence in yourself to achieve your goals & dreams
- heightened intuition (know you're on the right path)
It is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - nothing will be shipped to you. After payment is confirmed, you will be able to download the mp3 audio file to listen to from iTunes, or any other media player on a computer or mobile device.
The meditation is 33 minutes and 33 seconds long. Listen softly in the background while you're working or sleeping. The binaural beats help with healing and stress-relief, while the "hidden" affirmations power up your mindset and fuel the energies of the new moon.
Begin listening on the first day of the New Moon. Listen every day (or as often as you want) until the day before the Full Moon. I specially selected the affirmations in this meditation to reflect the energies of the New Moon around new beginnings, projects, new possibilities, shedding the old to make room for the new, etc.
You are welcome to listen to the meditation any time during the month! But it is especially powerful during the New Moon phase. :)
This meditation is included in Cosmic CEO Society, a recurring membership that grants you access to ALL my digital products, self-paced courses and masterclasses. If your journey includes expanding in the areas of entrepreneurship, Human Design & Astrology, CCS would be a great fit for you. Check it out here >>